* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package mumbay.dao.item;
//~--- non-JDK imports --------------------------------------------------------
import mumbay.data.Item;
* @author HP
public class ItemDaoImpl implements ItemDao {
public Item getItemById(int itemId) {
assert itemId != 0;
String itemName = ItemInfo.getItemNamebyId(itemId);
String username = ItemInfo.getUsernameById(itemId);
return new Item(itemId,itemName,username);
Monday, 4 October 2010
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package mumbay.data;
* @author HP
public class User {
private String fname_,lname_,username_;
private String password_;
private String address_,webAddress_;
private String mobile_,phone_;
private String email_;
public User() {
public User(String fname) {
this.fname_ = fname;
public User(String fname, String lname) {
this.fname_ = fname;
this.lname_ = lname;
public User(String username, String password_, String fname, String email_) {
this.fname_ = fname;
this.password_ = password_;
this.email_ = email_;
public String getUsername() {
return username_;
public void setUsername(String username_) {
this.username_ = username_;
public String getAddress() {
return address_;
public void setAddress(String address_) {
this.address_ = address_;
public String getEmail() {
return email_;
public void setEmail(String email_) {
this.email_ = email_;
public String getFname() {
return fname_;
public void setFname(String fname_) {
this.fname_ = fname_;
public String getLname() {
return lname_;
public void setLname(String lname_) {
this.lname_ = lname_;
public String getMobile() {
return mobile_;
public void setMobile(String mobile_) {
this.mobile_ = mobile_;
public String getPassword() {
return password_;
public void setPassword(String password_) {
this.password_ = password_;
public String getPhone() {
return phone_;
public void setPhone(String phone_) {
this.phone_ = phone_;
public String getWebAddress() {
return webAddress_;
public void setWebAddress(String webAddress_) {
this.webAddress_ = webAddress_;
public String toString() {
return "User{" + "fname_=" + fname_ + "lname_=" + lname_ + "password_=" + password_ + "address_=" + address_ + "webAddress_=" + webAddress_ + "mobile_=" + mobile_ + "phone_=" + phone_ + "email_=" + email_ + '}';
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package mumbay.data;
* @author HP
public class User {
private String fname_,lname_,username_;
private String password_;
private String address_,webAddress_;
private String mobile_,phone_;
private String email_;
public User() {
public User(String fname) {
this.fname_ = fname;
public User(String fname, String lname) {
this.fname_ = fname;
this.lname_ = lname;
public User(String username, String password_, String fname, String email_) {
this.fname_ = fname;
this.password_ = password_;
this.email_ = email_;
public String getUsername() {
return username_;
public void setUsername(String username_) {
this.username_ = username_;
public String getAddress() {
return address_;
public void setAddress(String address_) {
this.address_ = address_;
public String getEmail() {
return email_;
public void setEmail(String email_) {
this.email_ = email_;
public String getFname() {
return fname_;
public void setFname(String fname_) {
this.fname_ = fname_;
public String getLname() {
return lname_;
public void setLname(String lname_) {
this.lname_ = lname_;
public String getMobile() {
return mobile_;
public void setMobile(String mobile_) {
this.mobile_ = mobile_;
public String getPassword() {
return password_;
public void setPassword(String password_) {
this.password_ = password_;
public String getPhone() {
return phone_;
public void setPhone(String phone_) {
this.phone_ = phone_;
public String getWebAddress() {
return webAddress_;
public void setWebAddress(String webAddress_) {
this.webAddress_ = webAddress_;
public String toString() {
return "User{" + "fname_=" + fname_ + "lname_=" + lname_ + "password_=" + password_ + "address_=" + address_ + "webAddress_=" + webAddress_ + "mobile_=" + mobile_ + "phone_=" + phone_ + "email_=" + email_ + '}';
ItemDao interface
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package mumbay.dao.item;
//~--- non-JDK imports --------------------------------------------------------
import mumbay.data.Item;
* @author HP
public interface ItemDao {
// public void addItem(Item item);
public Item getItemById(int itemId); // throws CustomerNotFoundException;
// public void deleteUser(int itemId);// throws CustomerNotFoundException;
// public void updateUser(Item item);// throws CustomerNotFoundException;
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package mumbay.dao.item;
//~--- non-JDK imports --------------------------------------------------------
import mumbay.data.Item;
* @author HP
public interface ItemDao {
// public void addItem(Item item);
public Item getItemById(int itemId); // throws CustomerNotFoundException;
// public void deleteUser(int itemId);// throws CustomerNotFoundException;
// public void updateUser(Item item);// throws CustomerNotFoundException;
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package mumbay.data;
import java.util.Date;
* @author HP
public class Item {
private int itemId_;
private String itemName_,itemDescription_,itemType_;
String userName_;
float price_;
Date bidDate_;
boolean isSailable_;
public Item() {
public Item(int itemId_) {
this.itemId_ = itemId_;
public Item(int itemId,String itemName_,String username) {
this.itemName_ = itemName_;
userName_ = username;
isSailable_ = true;
public Date getBidDate() {
return bidDate_;
public void setBidDate(Date bidDate) {
this.bidDate_ = bidDate;
public String getItemDescription() {
return itemDescription_;
public void setItemDescription(String itemDescription) {
this.itemDescription_ = itemDescription;
public int getItemId() {
return itemId_;
public void setItemId(int itemId) {
this.itemId_ = itemId;
public String getItemName() {
return itemName_;
public void setItemName(String itemName_) {
this.itemName_ = itemName_;
public String getItemType() {
return itemType_;
public void setItemType(String itemType_) {
this.itemType_ = itemType_;
public float getPrice() {
return price_;
public void setPrice(float price_) {
this.price_ = price_;
public String getUserName() {
return userName_;
public void setUserName(String userName_) {
this.userName_ = userName_;
public String toString() {
return "Item{" + "itemId_=" + itemId_ + "itemName_=" + itemName_ + "itemDescription_=" + itemDescription_ + "itemType_=" + itemType_ + "userName_=" + userName_ + "price_=" + price_ + "bidDate_=" + bidDate_ + "isSailable_=" + isSailable_ + '}';
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package mumbay.data;
import java.util.Date;
* @author HP
public class Item {
private int itemId_;
private String itemName_,itemDescription_,itemType_;
String userName_;
float price_;
Date bidDate_;
boolean isSailable_;
public Item() {
public Item(int itemId_) {
this.itemId_ = itemId_;
public Item(int itemId,String itemName_,String username) {
this.itemName_ = itemName_;
userName_ = username;
isSailable_ = true;
public Date getBidDate() {
return bidDate_;
public void setBidDate(Date bidDate) {
this.bidDate_ = bidDate;
public String getItemDescription() {
return itemDescription_;
public void setItemDescription(String itemDescription) {
this.itemDescription_ = itemDescription;
public int getItemId() {
return itemId_;
public void setItemId(int itemId) {
this.itemId_ = itemId;
public String getItemName() {
return itemName_;
public void setItemName(String itemName_) {
this.itemName_ = itemName_;
public String getItemType() {
return itemType_;
public void setItemType(String itemType_) {
this.itemType_ = itemType_;
public float getPrice() {
return price_;
public void setPrice(float price_) {
this.price_ = price_;
public String getUserName() {
return userName_;
public void setUserName(String userName_) {
this.userName_ = userName_;
public String toString() {
return "Item{" + "itemId_=" + itemId_ + "itemName_=" + itemName_ + "itemDescription_=" + itemDescription_ + "itemType_=" + itemType_ + "userName_=" + userName_ + "price_=" + price_ + "bidDate_=" + bidDate_ + "isSailable_=" + isSailable_ + '}';
create table authorisation(
username varchar(20) not null primary key,
password varchar(20) not null
create table users(
username varchar(20) not null primary key,
fname varchar(20) not null,
lname varchar(20),
address varchar(20),
webaddress varchar(20),
email varchar(20),
phone varchar(20),
mobile varchar(20)
create table sailItems
itemId int identity primary key ,
itemName varchar(20),
username varchar(20),
price float(6),
bidDate smalldatetime, //not smalldate
isSailable boolean default true//added for history purpose
create table itemDescription
itemId int primary key,
type varchar(20),
description varchar(50)
create table bids
bidId int identity primary key,
itemId int not null,
username varchar(20) not null,
bidPrice float(10),
bidDate smalldatetime
//ADDING constraints
alter table users
add foreign key(username) references users(username)
alter table sailItems
add foreign key (username) references users(username);
alter table itemDescription
add foreign key (itemId) references sailItems(itemId);
alter table bids
add foreign key(itemId) references sailItems(itemId);
alter table bids
add foreign key(username) references users(username)
//Dropping tables
drop table users
drop table sailItems
drop table itemDescription
//VIEWing tables
select * from authorisation
select * from users
//POPULATIng tables
insert into users( username ,fname )
value('ballg','George') //Note the single quotes , this cause my so much time to waiste
insert into sailitems(itemname , price , biddate ,username )
select * from sailitems;
2 fridge ballg 111.12 2010-09-21 00:00:00.0 TRUE
3 cooler kinshukc 59.12 2010-09-20 00:00:00.0 TRUE
4 tv richard 75.12 2010-09-22 00:00:00.0 TRUE
5 washing machine rutuja 100.12 2010-09-23 00:00:00.0 TRUE
6 ipod ballg 34.12 2010-09-24 00:00:00.0 TRUE
7 fridge ballg 112.12 2010-09-24 00:00:00.0 TRUE
(6 rows, 4 ms)
insert into bids(itemId , bidPrice , biddate ,username )
insert into bids(itemId , bidPrice , biddate ,username )
insert into bids(itemId , bidPrice , biddate ,username )
insert into bids(itemId , bidPrice , biddate ,username )
insert into bids(itemId , bidPrice , biddate ,username )
insert into bids(itemId , bidPrice , biddate ,username )
username varchar(20) not null primary key,
password varchar(20) not null
create table users(
username varchar(20) not null primary key,
fname varchar(20) not null,
lname varchar(20),
address varchar(20),
webaddress varchar(20),
email varchar(20),
phone varchar(20),
mobile varchar(20)
create table sailItems
itemId int identity primary key ,
itemName varchar(20),
username varchar(20),
price float(6),
bidDate smalldatetime, //not smalldate
isSailable boolean default true//added for history purpose
create table itemDescription
itemId int primary key,
type varchar(20),
description varchar(50)
create table bids
bidId int identity primary key,
itemId int not null,
username varchar(20) not null,
bidPrice float(10),
bidDate smalldatetime
//ADDING constraints
alter table users
add foreign key(username) references users(username)
alter table sailItems
add foreign key (username) references users(username);
alter table itemDescription
add foreign key (itemId) references sailItems(itemId);
alter table bids
add foreign key(itemId) references sailItems(itemId);
alter table bids
add foreign key(username) references users(username)
//Dropping tables
drop table users
drop table sailItems
drop table itemDescription
//VIEWing tables
select * from authorisation
select * from users
//POPULATIng tables
insert into users( username ,fname )
value('ballg','George') //Note the single quotes , this cause my so much time to waiste
insert into sailitems(itemname , price , biddate ,username )
select * from sailitems;
2 fridge ballg 111.12 2010-09-21 00:00:00.0 TRUE
3 cooler kinshukc 59.12 2010-09-20 00:00:00.0 TRUE
4 tv richard 75.12 2010-09-22 00:00:00.0 TRUE
5 washing machine rutuja 100.12 2010-09-23 00:00:00.0 TRUE
6 ipod ballg 34.12 2010-09-24 00:00:00.0 TRUE
7 fridge ballg 112.12 2010-09-24 00:00:00.0 TRUE
(6 rows, 4 ms)
insert into bids(itemId , bidPrice , biddate ,username )
insert into bids(itemId , bidPrice , biddate ,username )
insert into bids(itemId , bidPrice , biddate ,username )
insert into bids(itemId , bidPrice , biddate ,username )
insert into bids(itemId , bidPrice , biddate ,username )
insert into bids(itemId , bidPrice , biddate ,username )
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